Category Archives: Slider

L.A. is Being Fracked
Gary Gless in his Baldwin Hills neighborhood in Los Angeles. Gary is one of the founders of Citizens Coalition for a Safe Community (CCSC), a volunteer group started in 2008. He lives adjacent to the Ing...

Mark Ruffalo: We Can Go Gracefully Into a Green Future, Or We Can Go K...
Actor and activist Mark Ruffalo discusses his new organization Farmhearts, fracking, protecting our water and the future of our country.

Trailer Talk: This Land is Not Your Gasland…9-5-10
Musicians Erin Slaver on the violin and Justin Sutherland on the guitar and lead a group of amazing kids in a re-writing of This Land is Your Land to stop Fracking in the Catskills. The trailer was bursting with their vo...

Trailer Talk: Willow Wisp Organic Farm, Greg Swartz
Do you know where your food comes from? Sabrina speaks with farmer Greg Swartz